Jessica provides a variety of services based upon individual needs of a client. What is needed could be a combination of any of the following: 

Facilitation: Using design methodologies, Art of Hosting, and Liberating Structures Jessica can develop a method of engagement to help a group map a system, clarify goals, define priorities, create a work plan, set benchmarks, and move through a hot wash process. She strives to help clients and teams get ideas and information out of their heads and into a shared space so those ideas can be acted upon.

Scribing/Graphic Recording: Scribing is drawing conversations live while they are happening usually on large 4 ft by 8 ft paper. Scribing helps to level the playing field in a conversation by providing a live visual capture of the session. Participants are then able to access the knowledge created in the room. It is also provides a highly useful mechanism for clarify and understanding process.

Harvest: Harvest is a unique term used in the world of Art of Hosting. It describes a process that focuses on documenting the insights gained in a process and sharing those insights with the participants either in real time or at a later date. Photography, graphic recording, and utilizing templates are all ways to harvest a process. The key goal is that participants walk a way with shared ownership of and access to the knowledge created during the meeting or process. 

Photography: Jessica's first love was photography and she has found it an invaluable resource in assisting furthering good work in the world. Her speciality is natural light portraiture, documentary photography, photographing people in nature, and conservation photography. View several of her projects under the gallery page. Jessica often uses her photography to enhance facilitation reports.

Coaching: Coaching provides one on one support by helping individuals focus on their projects. Coaching can create a private and confidential space for exploring challenges, vulnerabilities, and hopes for your work. Jessica strives to partner with you in your thinking, asking powerful questions, providing observations, and demonstrating tools to move around our thinking. 

Consulting: Do you want help planning your own meeting or retreat? Work with Jessica to understand your purpose, brainstorm ideas, and develop your plan. You will then implement your plan and Jessica can provide assistance if needed. She will offer tools from her tool kit that will be helpful in achieving your purpose.

Training: Jessica is able to teach many of her methodologies such as harvest, visual thinking, design methods, photography, and Art of Hosting in a generous and supportive manner.